''LIVING THE LIFE OF FAITH'' pt 3 Out of the ABUNDANCE of Your HEART Your MOUTH will Speak. WHATEVER is in Your Heart, will come out of Your Mouth. You can read that for yourself in Matthew 12:34. Our Hearts are the Growing Ground or Container for WORDS, ALL WORDS. Whatever Words you have in you in Abundance will Eventually find it's way to Your Mouth. We Live our Lives by Words FILLED with either Faith or Fear.Those Words will Dictate Our Way of Living. Faith is a PRESCRIBED Way to Live. Faith is not a Movement. Faith Comes by Hearing. Faith is Acting on what you Believe. ( Romans 1:17 NLT - This Good News ( the written Word of God ) tells us how GOD makes us right in His sight. This is accomplished from start to finish by FAITH. As the scriptures says, it is through FAITH that a righteous person has life. FAITH to Live a Successful Life comes from the written Word. ''WE GET FAITH FROM THE WORD OF GOD NO WORD NO FAITH''