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Saturday, November 14 2015


NOW !!! Since we are to Live by FAITH, we need to Learn and Know What FAITH Is , and Where do we get it. Romans 1:16 & 17 NLT --- 16. For I am not ashamed of this Good News ( the Word of God ) about Christ. It is the power of God at work, saving everyone who believes --- Jews first and also Gentiles. 17. This Good News ( the Word of God ) tells us how God makes us right in His sight. This is accomplishes from start to finish by FAITH. As the scriptures say, ''It is through FAITH that a Righteous person has Life''. What is this saying to us ? Put your TRUST and CONFIDENCE in GOD and in HIS WORD. For the WORD of GOD is HIS POWER-FULL Plan at work to allow everyone salvation, who dares to BELIEVE. The person who has FAITH in and BELIEVES in and TRUST in and have CONFIDENCE in the Written WORD of GOD is a Righteous Man and that Man has Right Standing with GOD. If that's YOU then you are to LIVE by FAITH. So then we can Confidently say with a Firm Reliance that FAITH comes from the written WORD of GOD. Romans 10:17 -- So then FAITH Cometh BY HEARING, and HEARING by the WORD of GOD. NOW !!! That we have this FAITH and we know where to get it. We need to know how to work it. You see FAITH is More than BELIEF, FAITH is Acting on what You Believe. You say you Believe the WORD, then ACT On What YOU Say YOU BELIEVE. ACT ON THE WORD AND LIVE BY FAITH. Please Receive This: FAITH IS A PRACTICAL EXPRESSION OF YOUR CONFIDENCE IN GOD AND IN HIS WORD. FAITH COMES BY HEARING AND HEARING AND HEARING BY THE WORD OF GOD. ''LET'S LEARN AND PURPOSEFULLY TO WORK OUR FAITH''

Posted by Robert Corprew Ministries

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